CUSTOMER AGREEMENT provides web hosting, Windows hosting, email services, domain registration, reseller hosting, Cloud VPS and dedicated servers. Every customer should agree on all the terms and conditions stated prior to their signing up for any of the hosting plans and services mentioned on One should agree to use only licensed and legal third party software in connection with your use of our services. reserves the right to suspend or cancel a customer’s access to any or all services provided, at any time, or when decides that the account has been inappropriately used or otherwise.
A. Customer agrees that they will protect, indemnify, save and hold harmless from any and all stipulations, liabilities, losses, expenses, and claims, as well as reasonable attorney’s fees assessed against, its agents, customers, officers, employees and administration that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by its customers, agents, employees or assigns.
B. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless against liabilities arising out of
C. Any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or distributed in association with’s Services;
D. The loss of any electronic files furnished by the customer (Or customer’s customer);
E. Copyright violation and any defective products sold to a customer from’s Services
CONDITIONS reserves the right to refuse service and/or access to its servers to anyone. The services provided by us must be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any Indian law is prohibited. The list of banned content includes, but is not limited to :-
A. Illegal Material – This includes copyrighted works, commercial audio, video, or music files, and any material in violation of any regulation or material that is perceived to be misleading.
B. Warez – This includes, but is not limited to, pirated software, ROMS, emulators, phreaking, hacking, password cracking, IP spoofing, and encrypting of any of the above.
C. Also includes any sites which provide “links to” or “how-to” information about such material.
D. Games – We strictly do not allow to host any kind of games on our servers. Your hosting account would be immediately terminated if we found any gaming related stuff in your hosting account.
E. IRC Hosts – Hosting host an IRC server that is part of or connected to another IRC network or server or have a connection to an IRC network. Servers or Virtual hosting accounts, found to be connecting to or part of these networks will be immediately removed from our network without notice. The server would not be reconnected to the network until such time that you agree to completely remove any and all traces of the irc server, and agree to let us have access to your server to confirm that the content has been completely removed. Any server guilty of a second violation would result in immediate account termination.We do not allow any kind of mining activity (Data mining, Crypto currency mining) on our servers.
F. Prohibited Contents also includes, but is not limited to :
– Any Automated Bots
– Warez Sites
– Hate Sites
– Child Pornography
– reserves the right to deem any other content or literature as “prohibited” if found to be indecent, rude, hate content & generally unacceptable.
– Refer General Acceptable Use Policy for complete details on prohibited content and activities.
– In compliance with DMCA act, has adopted procedures for parties who believe that a hosted site on our service is infringing their copyrights. All copyright complaints must be submitted to [email protected]
– Any attempts to compromise or actual compromise of a network device belonging to or any other company, individual, or other entity is strictly prohibited. This offense also includes port scanning, IP range scanners and vulnerability scanning. All infractions and or suspected infractions will be vigorously investigated and may result in immediate termination of service.
– Denial of Service (DOS) attacks directed at, or any attempts to launch a Denial of Service attack from our servers are strictly prohibited. All infractions and or suspected infractions will be vigorously investigated and may result in immediate termination of service
– Hosting any software, source code or any other material that is illegal or could be used to commit an illegal act is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to software exploits; exploit source code, hacking tutorials, hacking tools, viruses and Trojans, bomb making and similar device tutorials. All infractions and or suspected infractions will be vigorously investigated and may result in immediate termination of service.
– The hosting of material that infringes on any copyright, trademark and or service mark is strictly prohibited. This also includes the storage and transmission of pirated movies, music, software, ring tones or anything else considered “Warez”. Any authentic complaint received will be investigated and may result in termination of service.
– The hosting of defamatory, scandalous, or private information about a person without their consent, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, or violating trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights.
– Any attempts to undermine or cause harm to any of our servers is strictly prohibited. We hold no responsibility for the use of our clients’ accounts. Any account that abuses the resources and actions are not taken to desist the activity, calls for immediate deactivation without any refund. Any site using what we deem to be using excessive CPU cycles or any resources that cause strain to other sites may also be offered new terms ( i.e.,. upgrade). Although we offer 99.95% up time we can not fully guarantee this, this is due to the updates and up-gradation we carry out which is also a part of our maintenance.
– If any client is in any way disrespectful towards any member of the staff we have full right to remove them from our services without any refund.
– Use of our service to transmit any unsolicited commercial or unsolicited bulk e-mail is expressly prohibited. Violation of this SPAM policy will result in severe penalties.
– Upon notification of an alleged violation, we will initiate a full scale investigation during which, we may restrict customer’s access to the network to prevent further violations. If a customer is found to have violated our policy, we may, at our sole discretion, restrict, suspend or terminate the guilty hosting account. Further more, we reserve the right to pursue civil remedies for any costs associated with the investigation of a substantiated policy violation. We will notify law enforcement officials if the violation is believed to be a criminal offense. Anyone using our service to host websites or services that support spammers or cause any of our IP space to be listed in any of the various Spam Databases will have their account(s) immediately suspended and an administrative fee of $250.00 will be charged to your account. The account will not be unsuspended until such time that you agree to remove any and all traces of the offending material immediately upon reconnection. First violations of this policy will result in a warning and your account will be reviewed for possible immediate termination. A second violation may result in an immediate termination of your account and the administrative fees will be $500. Severe violations may result in immediate and permanent removal of the account(s) from our network without notice to the customer.
– We have a zero-tolerance policy for the use of our service towards posting of messages or commercial advertisements that violate the rules, regulations, or charter of any newsgroups or mailing list. Commercial messages that are appropriate under the rules of a newsgroup or mailing list or that are solicited by the recipients are permitted.
– We also prohibit hosting of publicly-accessible “open relay” SMTP or anonymous remailer service for any purpose, cause, or reason what-so-ever.
If the customers account exceeds the bandwidth limit, we would inform the customer. If the customer does not wish to purchase extra bandwidth or upgrade his account and continues to exceed their limit, the account shall be suspended until the customer takes measures to ensure that the limit wouldn’t exceed again or when the account is upgraded, which ever is earlier. The account would be reactivated in the following month.
If the customer fails to complete the account verification process then no refund would be provided to such customers under any circumstances.
We generally recommend a control panel to manage and operate the VPS. All customers who have a plain VPS would have to configure the DNS, user accounts, mail accounts and other such activities pertaining to the configuration of such VPS themselves. The support team will not be responsible for this. With windows VPS, we provide evaluation version which can be re-activated after every 6 months.
Spamming, sending unsolicited emails from our servers or using email addresses that are maintained by us is STRICTLY prohibited and will qualify your site for immediate deactivation with no refund. would be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.
In order to ensure that our shared servers, cloud & VPS nodes as well as dedicated server hardware node give us the optimum performance we have set limits on the number of outgoing mails that can be sent per hour. Accordingly, shared & reseller customers would be allowed to send 500 outgoing mails per hour, our VPS customers would be able to send 1000 outgoing mails every hour and the Cloud hosting customers may send 1500 outbound emails per hour. Customers having dedicated servers may send one email every second i.e. 3600 mails per hour.
In case of a change in the price of third party Software/WebPanel/API Change customers has to follow the new price. We will send new separate invoice & customers has to pay the new invoice. Failing to which reserves the right to suspend and terminate the account.
The jurisdiction of all matters would be at Jaipur, Rajasthan, in case of any dispute.